Friday, January 27, 2017

What To Expect From My New ATS and Tribal Fusion Belly Dance Classes

Photo by Dave Gay 2004 Odell Park Fredericton NB

Even though the picture is of me doing yoga we will not be doing a lot of yoga in either the ATS or Tribal Fusion. We will be doing a simple and safe warm up at the beginning and a simple and safe cool down at the end for each class.

For both the Beginners ATS and Tribal Fusion classes expect a lot of emphasis on posture as well as feet, leg, arm and hand positioning. Expect the movements to be broken down, pieced together and practiced very slowly with speed slowly built up. Safety tips will also be discussed in both classes.

For the ATS expect your arms to be held up at shoulder height a lot of the time. You will get breaks to bring your arms down! Expect to get a little out of breath and expect to concentrate hard on doing moves that will most likely feel alien to you! Expect to not always be looking straight at me or any ATS teacher because some of the moves such as Egyptian Basic need for you to turn around facing away from the teacher. Expect a lot of discussion in the class about different aspects of ATS therefore don't expect that this class is made to burn calories to lose x amount of weight. It might burn some but it really is not the emphasis. The intention of this class is to learn new things, develop a new relationship with yourself and your body, develop bonds with community and to have fun! You'll most likely find a new inner strength of mind and body. As the class progresses and develops props will be explored in this dance form such as finger cymbals, sword and more!

For Tribal Fusion expect drills of isolated movements, a few traveling movements and time to consolidate all that you've learned as well as how to improvise. Expect the classes to progress to layering isolations over other isolations and over traveling steps. You'll find Tribal Fusion to be such a broad style of dance form for you to stretch your own unique style and creative muscles! Expect to express your unique self through this dance form and possibly discovering a new found inner power and playfulness! Again this class is not about burning calories. Tribal Fusion is about having fun, pure self expression, being one with your body, confidence, inner power, passion, mischief, humor and sensuality. And it's about exploring and creating this very new and amazing dance form which is making history! As the class progresses we will also explore the use of dance props with Tribal Fusion such as sword and more!

If you have been worried about your physical endurance in taking two classes back to back your concerns are warranted. But be assured that the Tribal Fusion will feel luxurious after the ATS! That is why I chose to schedule the ATS at 6:30pm before Tribal Fusion at 7:30pm. In my own practice I usually begin with ATS and follow it up with Tribal Fusion and feel like it's a very natural and healthy progression for the body. Tribal Fusion is after all the next step of Belly Dance evolution straight from American Tribal Style. After the specific styling of ATS I find that my body loves to follow it with the styling of Tribal Fusion. Like putting on a pair of comfortable jeans!

The Beginners Tribal Fusion will challenge you but rest assured that I will be purposefully making it gentle and easier for people who want to gently nudge their endurance levels up for people are just beginning fitness activity and for those who are exploring ATS and Tribal Fusion Belly Dance. 

Do you have to study in both styles? No

What do you get out of it if you choose to commit to studying both styles?

You get a broadened experience of not just a couple of styles of belly dance but of yourself. Both styles of belly dance introduce you to yourself in similar but different ways. Besides that, anything you study will serve to enhance your skill and awareness as a dancer and possibly a teacher if that becomes your goal in the future. I study a variety of traditions and find that they all serve to support my skills in other practices. Yoga and Pilates for example supports the skill of a belly dancer in any style infinitely!

Stay tuned for my next post about being a continuous learner, why I don't choose between any Belly Dance style and why I love them all!

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